Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics
This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics (ICCAP’2021) Organized by the Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria, held on 26–28 September 2021. The Conference had a variety of Plenary Lectures, Oral sessions, and E-Poster Presentations.
Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics
Conference Acronym: ICCAP’2021
Conference Date: 26–28 September 2021
Conference Location: Online (Virtual Conference)
Conference Organizer: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria.
The Superexchange Mechanism in Crystalline Compounds: The Case of KMF3 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Perovskites
Novel Visualization of Crystal Structure and Energetics
Ab Initio Calculation of Chirality in Crystals
Continuum Solvation for Finite and Infinite Periodic Systems in Crystal
Lattice Dynamics and Thermal Properties of Materials
Crystal17: A Modern Tool for Ab Initio Solid State Chemistry & Physics
Looking at Benchmarks for Density Functional Calculations
Understanding Structure and Properties of MgCl2 Supported Ziegler-Natta Nanoclusters by DFT, Spectroscopy and Machine Learning: How Modelling Uncovers the Origin of Industrial Catalysis
Magnetism and Half-Metallicity of Solids from the Spin Polarization of P Orbitals
Enhanced Figure of Merit in Molecular Junctions
Intensity-based Wide-field Magneto-optical Microscopy
Boosting the Performance of Magnetic Nanoparticles: Magnetic Field-assisted Assembly and Magnetic Functionalization
Heterostructures Based on Functionalized Graphene and Free-standing Graphene Membranes
Effect of the Substrate on the Structural Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films Synthesized by Electrodeposition
Monte Carlo Method Study of Thin Films of The Spin-1 Ashkin Teller Model in the Presence of the Crystal Field
Dielectric Characterization by Impedance Meter of Thin Films Bi2S3(0.6)ZnS(0.4) Composites
Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles
FEM Simulation and Performance Evaluation of MEMS Pressure Sensor Based on Capacitive Effect Using Molybdenum and Tungsten
Effect of Extended Gettering during the Emitter Formation on the Electrical Performance of Multicrystalline Silicon Based Solar Cells
Efficient Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Pure Nanosilica from Sand
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy in Neutrons Irradiated CR39 Polymer
Synthesis and Characterization of FeCo Nanoparticles by Hydrothermal Method
Microstructural Investigation of ZnO Nanowires for Therapeutic Applications
Real Time Ultrasoft Longitudinal Photons Self Energy at Next to-leading Order in Hot Scalar QED
Sensing Properties and Sensitivity Improvement of an Asymmetric Waveguide with Dispersive Left-handed Material
Towards the Optimization of the Performance of N-I-P Microcrystalline Silicon nc-Si:H Flexible Solar Cells
(2+1) D Massless Dirac Equation in Anti de-Sitter Space
Spin-polarized DFT Calculation of the Magneto-electronic Properties Under Pressure of the YCrSb Half-heusler Alloy
Mechanical Characteristics of Polyester Filled with Palm Fibers and Ash Particles
Superstatistical Properties of Ionization Rates of Li+
Raman and IR Spectroscopy of SnO2 Nanostructures with Oxygen Vacancies: An Ab-Initio Calculations
Numerical Simulation of the Influence of an Sb layer on a Cu (In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells Performance
Mechanical and Anisotropy Properties of SrCdPt Compound under Pressure
Effect of Annealing Time on Electrodeposited ZnS Thin Films
Effect of Electric and Magnetic Field on the Transport Coefficients of a Non- Equilibrium Gas by the Monte Carlo Method
Comparative Simulation of the Perovskite Solar Cell
Buckling Analysis of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation
Study of n/p solar cell based on ITO/Si Heterojunction
Synthesis and Characterization of Layered Double Hydroxide Based on Zn and Cr Used for Anion Exchange
Theoretical Study of the Structural Electronic Properties of half-Heusler RbInSn Alloy
Study of Microstructural and Electrical Properties of the (P)A-Si : H/(N)C-Si Heterojunction: Uncooled Microbolometer Application
DCF Method for Dispersion Compensation in Optical Fiber Link for Long Haul Communication
First-Principles Predictions of the Electronic, Optical and Thermoelectric Properties of the New Zintl-Phase Sr2CdAs2
Solvent Effect on Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering (HRS) First Hyperpolarizability of Substituted Polyene: Ab Initio Study
Ab-initio Investigation of Structural, Electronic and Topological Properties of Half- Heusler Compounds: TiRhz (Z=Sb,Bi)
Thermal And Dynamic Study of Confluent Round Jet of Different Diameters
First Principles Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of AlN/GaN Superlattices Growth Along Various Crystallographic Axes
Dangling Bonds Parameters Effect on Dark and Illuminated Conductivity in a-Si:H Absorber Layer for Solar Cells Applications
The Window Layer Doping Effect on the Performance of a SiOx:H Based Solar Cells
Study of Ultra-Fast Phenomena Generated in Femtosecond Laser-material Interactions
Special Finite Element Modeling for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes at the Atomic Scale
Improvement of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectrometer Resolution: A Comparative Study
Thermal Properties of the Klein-Gordon Oscillator in Deformed Space
Role of Hydroxyl Group in CO Adsorption on SnO2 (110) Surface Investigated by a First-principle Study
The Effect of Aluminum Sources On (Gd0.7Lu0.3)3Al5O12 Cubic Garnet Structure Synthesized by Co Precipitation Method
Structure Properties of LiAl (WO4)2 Solid Solution
The Influence of Preparation Parameters on Structural and Optical Properties of n-Type Porous Silicon
Study the Structural Properties of WO3:Fe Thin Films Elaborated by Spray Pyrolysis Technique at 450 °C
Calculation of the Structural Properties of GdBO3 by the Theoretical Method ab-initio
Computational Determination of the Magneto-electronic Properties of Ce1-xCuxO2 (x=12.5%): Emerging Materials for Spintronic Devices
First-Principles Calculations of Structural, Elastic, And Electronic Properties of Antiperovskites Ca3SiO And Ca3GeO
Hyperfine Structures ab-initio Calculations of the 2p4(3P)3d2S+1LJ States in the Fluorine Atom
Synthesis of Zeolites from Pure and Natural Products, Modification and Application in Wastewater Treatment
Characterization (FT-Raman, FT-II Spectra) of 3.5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde C9H10O3 and Compared with Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Cathodoluminescence Calculation of AlGaN/GaN Quantum-Wells by Monte Carlo Model: Effect of Compositional and Temperature
Bloch Surface Waves Based Biosensor Using a Ternary Photonic Crystal
Hyperfine Structure of the 3p44s 4p State of the Chlorine Atom
First-principles Calculations of the Physical Properties and Stability of ScN
Surface Metal Effect on I(V) Characteristics Ti/6H-Sic Schottky Diode at Room Temperature
Adsorption of Anticancer Drug Molecule on Single Wall Carbon Nanotube: An ab- initio Study
First Principal Study of Physical Properties of Rare Earth Based Heusler Compounds X2RuPb (X= Sc, Y and La)
Elaboration and Characterization of Black Silicon for Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Structural Investigations Studies of Antimony-Tungsten and Sodium Metaphosphate Glass Systems with NaPO3 as Additive
In-depth Analyses of P-type Silicon Solar Cells by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Diagnosis of an Unknown Solar Cell by Electrical Characterization
Affecting Parameters on Polymers Surface Treatment by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets
Crystal Structure and Comparative Study via Hirshfeld Surface Analyses of Charge Transfer Compounds Based on Anthranilic Acid
Effect of Various Auxiliary Acceptors on the Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of a D-A'-π-A Sensitizing Dye. DFT and TD-DFT Study
Preparation and Characterizations of MgFe2O4 Spinel Semiconductor
Numerical Thickness Optimization Study of CIGS Based Solar Cells with SCAPS- 1D
Influence of Porosity on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Porous Silicon
Label-free Biosensor Based on Photonic Crystal Microcavity for Malaria Detection with High Sensitivity
Ab-Initio Study of the Ferromagnetic Half-Metallic Perovskite KMgO3
Ab Initio Calculations of the Structural and Electronics Properties of Double Tungstates NaY(WO4)2
First-principles Study of Structural, Electronic, Elastic and Thermal Properties of XBPd3 (X = Ca, Mg)
Synthesis and Characterization of Polystyrene (PS)/Copper Oxide CuO Nanocomposites
Theoretical Study of Structural and Electronics Properties of Lithium Niobate LiNbO3
Effect of Doping with Niobium on the Properties of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol Gel (Spin-coating) Process
Structural, Electronic, Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of ReAuSn
Investigation of Deposition Temperature and Time Effect on the Quality of FSF in n-PERT Solar Cells Using Phosphorus Doped Paper Sheets
Ab-initio Study of the Optoelectronic Properties of CsXCl3 Perovskites (X = Pb, Sn or Ge)
High Spin Polarization and Mechanic Stability of Half-Heusler Compounds: CrFeSn and CrFeGe as a Candidate in the Spin-FETs for Spintronic Applications
Investigation of an Additional Oxidation in-situ Step During Boron Diffusion Processes on P+ Emitter Properties
Effect of Heat Treatment on Structural and FTIR and Lowercase
Characterization of Interfacial and Mechanical Properties Between Fiber and Polymer Matrix in Composite Materials

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