The Effect of Aluminum Sources On (Gd0.7Lu0.3)3Al5O12 Cubic Garnet Structure Synthesized by Co Precipitation Method
The multi-component cubic garnet (Gd1-xLux)3Al5O12 structure attracts a lot of attention, making it the most popular in fields including as optics electronics. The one with the large Ln3+ cations is (Tb3Al5O12). For eight fold coordination, the radius of the Tb3+ cation is 1.040. Because of its small ionic size (0.977 A°), lutetium is thought to be a stabilizer for the metastable (Gd3Al5O12). According to the previous studies, GAG garnet can be stable at 1300°C when Gd is replaced with roughly 10% Lu and the radius of Ln :(Gd+Lu) is 1.0454. The Ln2O3–Al2O3 system is widely known to exist in three crystal phases: LnAlO3 (LnAP with a perovskite structure), Ln4Al2O9 (LnAM with a monoclinic structure), and Ln3Al5O12 (LnAG with a cubic garnet structure) [1].

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