Abstracts of the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering: Volume 2
This book presents Volume 2 of the extended abstracts from the selected contributions to the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering (ICEIPE’24), held on 14-16 May 2024 by the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria. ICEIPE'24 serves as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration, accelerating advancements in sustainable energy, industrial processes, and resource management.
Congress Title: The Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering 2024
Congress Acronym: ICEIPE’24
Congress Date: 14-16 May 2024
Congress Venue: Mercure Hotel, Algiers Airport
Congress Organizer: Research Laboratory of Matter’s Valorization and Recycling for Sustainable Development (VRMDD), University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria.
Link to Volume 1: https://books.aijr.org/index.php/press/catalog/book/169
Preparation of Ultrafiltration Ceramic Membrane Using Silica Nanopowder
Growth and Purifying Capacity Study of the Green Microalgae in Closed System using Wastewater
Modeling and Optimization by RSM-BBD Design for Acid Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution using Water-Dispersible Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Elimination of the Organic Pollutants by Biochar from Pomegranate Powder Activated by Phosphoric Acid in an Aqueous Solution: Influence of the Stirring Speed
Comparative Study on Water Treatment Technologies: Photocatalysis and Nanofiltration with Pollution Assessment using Principal Component Analysis
Valorization of Agricultural Wastes as Low-Cost Adsorbents Towards Efficient Removal of Aqueous Cr(Vi): Parametric, Kinetic, Mechanism and Thermodynamic Study
Revolutionizing Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Harnessing the Power of Purely Biological Methods
Removal of a Yellow-Orange Cosmetic Dye by a Biosorbent Derived from the Outer Shell of the Argan Fruit
Ultrasound-Assisted Persulfate as a Promising Technology for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants
The Remediation of Water Contaminated with Hydrocarbons in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor
Synergy between Photocatalysis and Ultrafiltration: An Innovative Approach for Water Depollution
Chromium Removal Using Filter Pellets Made of Polyacrylamide, GAC, Iron Oxide, Zinc Oxide, and Kaolin
Sorption Characteristics and Removal Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Pollutant "Tylosin" in Wastewater using Activated Carbon
Co-Precipitation Synthesis and Characterization of the Sillenite Bi12CoO20 for the Degradation of a Pharmaceutical Product in Aqueous Solution
Eco-Friendly Porous Biocomposites Based on Cellulose Nanocrystalline Hydrogels: Development and Application to the Elimination of Removal of Methyl Red Dye in Aqueous Solutions
Spinel ZnCO2O4 Nanosheets - Modified Sinws as Photocatalyst for Degradation of Organic Pollutant
Comparative Study of Almond Shell Raw Activated Carbon, Chemically Activated and Adsorption of Anionic Dye from Wastewater
Synthesis Synthesis of NiFe2O4 and FeTiO2 Photocatalysts for Rhodamine B Degradation via Photo-Fenton Catalysis.of NiFe2O4 and FeTiO2 Photocatalysts for Rhodamine B Degradation via Photo-Fenton Catalysis.
Study of the Adsorption of Rose Bengal on a Hybrid Material based on Oxide and Photocatalytic Test
The use of Coupling Process for Salt Water Treatment
Application of Biotechnology in Water Treatment: Immobilization of Microorganisms by Inclusion
Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium from Acidic Solutions using Coriander Leaves Powder
Treatment of Water Loaded with Pharmaceutical Residues Using a Natural Material
In-Situ synthesis of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) on Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) for Adsorptive Removal of Evans Blue Dye
Use of Electrochemical Processes for Treating Pharmaceutical Contaminated Water
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis and its Potential Applications in Wastewater Treatment
Synthesis of Green Zno-Nps from Fruit Waste for Organic Waste Water Treatment by Photocatalysis
Treatment of an Industrial Aqueous Discharge by Solar Photolysis in a Compound Parabolic Collector Photo Reactor
The Photocatalytic Activity Under Sunlight Illumination of Organic Dyes Over the Spinel MgAl2O4
A New, Environmentally-Friendly Method for the Synthesis of Silicon Dioxide Using Oxalic Acid as a Catalyst
Photocatalytic Degradation of Basic Red in Aqueous Medium by Ag3PO4
Removal Wastewater of Olive Mill by Coagulation Process
Using of an Artificial Biofilm for the Characterization of Direct Transfer of Electrons by Thillobacillus Denitrificans
Ferric Chloride-Based Treatment for Soap Production Wastewater
Preparation and Characterization of Flat Sheet Polymeric Membranes: Application to the Removal of Humic Acids from Mediterranean Seawater
Analysis and Modeling of Free-Surface Flows in a Prismatic Channel in an Experimental Environment
Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Wadi Lakhdar Watershed: North Western Algeria
Green Organic Photocatalytic Membrane for Wastewater Treatment
Ceramic Membrane Supports for Water Treatment Using Low Cost Materials: Elaboration and Characterization
Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of Groundwater in Tipaza Region, Algeria
Photocatalytic Degradation of Emergents Pollutants in Nanoparticles Solution
Modeling Leachate Treatment from Magtaa Kheira Landfill Using Coagulation-Flocculation: An Experimental Design Approach
Analysis of Influent Characteristics for Optimizing the USTHB Wastewater Treatment Plant
Preparation and Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles using Salvia Rosmarinus Extract
The Fabrication of Modified Titanium Dioxide/Iron/ Diatomite Heterojunction Nanocomposite for Enhanced UV Process -Driven Photodegradation of Industrial Textile
Fabrication of a Clay Microfiltration Membrane for Air Filtration
Elaboration of Ceramic Membranes for the Removal of Chromium Heavy Metal from Aqueous Solutions
Synthesis and Characterization of New Adsorbent Materials Obtained from Modified Thyme for Diclofenac Removal in Advanced Pharmaceutical Effluent Treatment
The Behavior of Bronze in Sea Water
Neutron Activation Analysis for Archaeological Soils and Ceramics
Development of a Bioproduct for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
Use of Sol-Gel Process to Obtain Isotropic Properties of a Titanate Pyrochlore
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Inclusion Membranes Containing Uranium-Selective Transporters
The Impact of the Cutting Oil Waste Discharges on the Activated Sludge Centrifugal Dehydration
Next-Gen Advanced Oxidation Processes and their Role for Elimination of Pharmaceutical Emerging Pollutants from Waters
Optimization of Uranium (VI) Adsorption Parameters Using Commercial Nay Zeolite: A Factorial Experimental Design Approach
Dynamic Sorption Study of Paracetamol on New Sorbent Support Based on Granulated Polyethylene Waste
Sub-Acute Toxicity of Al2O3 Nanoparticles in the Marine Gastropod Stramonita Haemastoma: Oxidative Stress and Neurotoxicity.
Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Bichromate Effluents using Activated Carbon Derived from Coffee Grounds
Parametric Study of the Extraction of Cadmium from an Algerian Phosphate Ore (Djbel Onk)
Removal of Phenol from Water Using Acorns Barks as Adsorbent
Efficient Removal of Erichrome Black T with Graphene Oxide/Biomaterial Nanocomposite: Kinetics Stud
Synthesis of MOF-2 Particles and Preparation of PAL/PBAT/MOF Nano composites
Development of a Zeolite Modified by an Ion Exchange and Impregnation Process for the Recovery of Uranium from Aqueous Effluent
Elementary Analysis of Effluents from the Refinery Algiers
Physicochemical Characterization of the Soil from the Naama Region: Western Algeria
Numerical Study and Modeling of the Water Supply Network in the Northern Region of the Province of Sidi Yacine: Wilaya of Sidi Belabbes, Algeria
Extraction of Zinc from Residues of Leaching By Acid Attack
Observing the Depollution of Used Oil via Viscosity Changes Utilizing Algerian Clay
Retention of Toxic Metal in Solution by Marl Treated by Heat at Different Temperatures
Elaboration of Polymeric Membranes using Phase Inversion Technique for the Removal of Particulate Matter (PM) from Air
Comparative Effectiveness of Biochar and Microplastic Amendments on Soil Fertility, Chlorophyll Content of Cereal Crops
Occurrence of Emergent Contaminants in Water: Sources and Remediation Strategies for a Clean and Sustainable Future
Adsorption of an Organic Pollutant from Aqueous Solutions
Optimizing Food Production Through Strategically Integrating Biofertilizers in Soil Systems
Response of Different Types of Soil Exposed to Cutting Oil Contamination
Modelling of Accelerated CO2 Absorption Using an Enzyme in a Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor
The Influence of the Composition of a Mixture of Hydrocarbons on the Mineralization by a Solar Process
RMC Synthesis and Biological Effects of Nitrogen Heterocyclic Chromenons Compounds
Influence of the Nature of the Liquid on the Migration of Plasticizer, Plasticized PVC
Acid-Base Behavior of Two Isomeric Organ Phosphorus Extractants in a Biphasic Liquid System: Cobalt Extraction Test
LBM Simulation of the Time for Removal of Pollutant Particles in a Ventilated Enclosure
Monitoring of Environmental Trace Elements in the Industrial-Urbanized Zone of East Algiers by Means of Epiphytic Lichens and Tree Bark
Numerical Investigation of Heat Exchange and Convective Heat Transfer in a Building Room with In-Wall Embedded PCM
Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Evaluate the Quality of Water of the Catchment Area of the Bouhamdane River: North Eastern Algerian
Numerical Investigation of Heat Exchanging and Heat Comfort in Building Room Embedded with Phase Change Material
Thermo-Solutal Convection in Ventilated Cavity with a Reactive Porous Separation: Case of Depollution
Optimizing Urban Sludge Conditioning: A Comparative Study of Chemical Flocculation and Ultrasound/Flocculation Coupling of Sludge Collected from Baraki Wastewater Treatment Plant
Application of AgNPs-Doped MIL-53 in The Catalytic Reduction of Methylene Blue MB Dye
Study of the Physicochemical Properties of the Boukerdane Dam Water in Algeria
Sustainable Electrocoagulation Treatment for the Efficient Removal of Terasil Red Dye using Recycled Aluminum Electrodes
Comparison Study Between using Statistical Method and BSC-DREAM8b Model to Determine the Contribution of Mineral Dust on PM10 in Constantine, Algeria
Catalytic Oxidation of n-Butanol over Mg4Ce2 Hydrothalcite based System: Effect of Water Vapor and Volatile Organic Compounds Mixture
Application of the Generalized Pareto Principle to Model Maximum Temperatures
Physicochemical Characterization and Risk Environmental Trace Metals in Soils and Sediments Near the Abandoned Mine of “El Abed” Pb-Zn Deposit–Northwest Algeria
Development Cellulose Acetate /Polysulfone Membrane for Desalination Application
Exploring the Toxic Legacy of Urbanisation: Investigating Heavy Metal Contamination in Saida's Urban Sediments
Feasibility Study of for Separation of Formic Acid – Water- Propionic Acid By Pressure-Swing Distillation
Synthesis and Characterisation of A Porous Material From Lignocellulosic Biomass
Development of New Composite Adsorbents (Orange Peel Powder/Sodium Alginate) Raw and Treated With Gamma Ionizing Radiation For Solid-Liquid Separation: Study Test of Adsorption Kinetics of Spyramicin
Local Reinforcement of Reinforced Concrete Frame Using Metal Fibers Recovered from Used Tire Steel
Xylose Based Biosurfactants. Obtention and Physicochemical Properties
Recycling and Physicochemical Study of Olive Mill Waste Water from the SIDI BEL ABBES Region: Western Algeria
Innovative Use of the Glass and Seashell waste Powders as Partial Cement Replacements in Eco-Flowable Sand Concrete
Valorization of Marine Coproducts for the Production of Food Supplement
Lithium Recovery from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption using MCM-41 Functionalized by TBP
Valorization of Potato Peelings in the Production of Bioethanol by Fermentation: Optimization of Pretreatment, Liquefaction and Saccharification
Valorization of Southeast Algerian Dune Sand as a Source to Metallurgical Grade Silicon Production
Physico-Chemical Characterization and Valorization of a Natural Waste
Numerical Evaluation of Flow Through a Microchannel with Sudden Contractions: Dynamic Aspects
Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Hydration Behavior in Cement Mortars Partially Substituted with Water Treatment Sludges
Experimental Evaluation of Thermal Insulations Materials Used in Building Sector to Achieve the Objectives of the National Determined Contribution
Finite Element Modeling of the Effect of Strain Rate on the Damage of a Biphasic Copolymer
Study and Analyze the Properties of Recycled Plastic Waste and Compare it with Virgin Plastic
Recycling of Polymethyl Methacrylate Waste Using A Nature-Derived Biodegradable Polymer
Natural Convection Flow in Sinusoidally Heated Porous Enclosure
Utilisation of Power Plant Coal Bottom Ash as Coarse and Fine Aggregate to Produce Eco-Friendly Lightweight-Self Compacting Concrete
Impact of recycling on the circular economy
Characterization of Sandstones Resources For High Value
Modeling Uranium Adsorption Using Hydroxyapatite Derived From Natural Phosphate Via Wet Precipitation Method
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Phosphorus Removal from an Algerian Iron Ore of Gara Djebilet
Investigation into the Mechanical Characteristics of a Conventional Arc-shaped PVC Sample
Influence of Polymer and Marble Waste on the Calorimetric and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Mortar
Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Wastewater: A Column Filtration Study Using Date Palm Stems
Modeling and Optimization of Coagulant Dosage in Drinking Water Treatment Plant Using Artificial Intelligence. Case of the Ain Tin Station in Mila, Algeria
Study of the Sedimentary Contribution During Hot-Moments in Upper Tafna: Case of the Upstream Part of the Oued Sebdou Sub-Watershed, North-West Algerian
Miniaturized Potentiometric Ag/AgCl Reference Electrodes for Electrochemical Systems
Quantification of Pollution Parameters of Real Textile Effluents Before and After Photocatalytic Treatment: Improvement of the Biodgradability By Adjusting pH and Organic Load
Recycling and Recovery of Marine Dredged Sediments in a Reconstituted Road Material

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