Characterization of Sandstones Resources For High Value
Algeria has enormous and numerous resources types and varieties of silica, that can be a potential source in global issue of industry and technology namely photovoltaic field. Our work consists on database development of different varieties of quartz and sandstone resources in Algeria, the study and classification of the deposits according to their technical characteristics. Within the framework of our present work, we used the geographic information system (GIS), through the digitalization of the Ministry for Industry and the Mines data’s[1]. The GIS is allowed to listed the larger part of silica deposits in Algeria with their purity and selects the rich resources that exceed 97% of SiO2 contents. Our GIS database is manageable and georeferenced, and can be updated by recent developed data.This preliminary approach is continued by processing data, and the laboratory characterization analysis carried on three selected deposits in Algeria. The microscopic and chemical analysis are confirmed the richness of studied sandstones with more than 97% content of SiO2. These resources have a large extension, and suitable site from technical point of view. Therefore, their interesting chemical composition requires a deep study intended to the photovoltaic fields.The identification and characterization of high purity of silica in Algeria opens a large field of application.

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