Quantification of Pollution Parameters of Real Textile Effluents Before and After Photocatalytic Treatment: Improvement of the Biodgradability By Adjusting pH and Organic Load
The present study aims to characterize real textile effluents before and after treatment and to evaluate the effectiveness of photocatalytic treatment in the removing biorecalcitrant dyes. The results showed levels higher than the standard guidelines. All effluents have a slightly acidic character. The values of the COD/BOD5 ratios, ranging from 4.89 to 6.75, indicate that all effluents are not biodegradable. The treatment of these waters by heterogeneous photocatalysis on TiO2 gave different results depending on the natures ofthe effluents. Characterization after treatment showed a fairly good efficiency, with reduction rates ranging from 18.76% to 75.89%. By adjusting some operational factors, the removal of organic load by photocatalysis was significantly improved for the most recalcitrant effluents.

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