The Remediation of Water Contaminated with Hydrocarbons in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor
Industrial wastewater presents a potential means of contamination, encompassing a diverse array of organic contaminants like hydrocarbons, alongside inorganic pollutants like cyanides and sulphates, among others. It is incumbent upon us to undertake their treatment in an effort to mitigate their deleterious environmental influence. The objective of this investigation is to remediate water that contains hydrocarbons through the utilization of bioreactor that employs activated sludge. An assessment of the efficacy of the aforementioned bioreactor was carried out by scrutinizing diverse physico-chemical indicators of contamination, such as pH, turbidity, COD, BOD5, and so forth, throughout the course of the treatment procedure. The COD findings unveiled a reduction of 51% (from 1135 mg O2/L to 555 mg O2/L). In regards to BOD5, the efficacy of the treatment exhibits a limited capacity, yielding only 32%.

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