Study of the Adsorption of Rose Bengal on a Hybrid Material based on Oxide and Photocatalytic Test
The present work presents the study of the photocatalytic activity of CuAl2O4 and CuAl2O4/K for the elimination of an acid dye chosen as a model; in this case the Rose Bengale (RB). All the nanoparticles prepared during this study were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy. The study of adsorption kinetics has shown that it is very fast from the start of the process (5 min) for kaolin and CuAl2O4, equilibrium is quickly reached for kaolin) with a retention rate of 40% for an adsorbed quantity of 8.02 mg/g. On the other hand, for the CuAl2O4 catalyst, the evolution continues to reach equilibrium at 120 min, with a retention rate of 80.44% and an adsorbed quantity equal to 16.087 mg/g. for CuAl2O4/K equilibrium is quickly reached with a retention rate of 3.05% for an adsorbed quantity of only 0.62 mg/g.

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