Comparison Study Between using Statistical Method and BSC-DREAM8b Model to Determine the Contribution of Mineral Dust on PM10 in Constantine, Algeria
Saharan dust is mainly composed of mineral dust due to the proximity of the Sahara to the study site. This work aims to identify Saharan dust intrusions and evaluate their contribution to annual and daily PM10 at a suburban background site located in the city of Constantine in Algeria using two methods. The first method employs the BSC-DREAM8b model which is a regional model designed to simulate and/or predict the atmospheric aerosol cycle of mineral dust, and the second one, use a statistical method which is based on an original methodology called revised methodology proposed by [1] and revised by [2]. The latter is used in the absence of chemical analysis. The results obtained display a certain consistency between the two methods used. The observed average PM10 during the study period was 57.12 ± 21 μg/m3. Using BSC-DEAM method, the mineral dust concentration was 34.7 ± 42 µg/m3 with a contribution of 60.73% to PM10. However, it was about 25.63 ± 29 µg/m3 using the revised methodology with a contribution of 45% to PM10.

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