Recycling and Recovery of Marine Dredged Sediments in a Reconstituted Road Material


Amina Bougueroua
Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria.
Khedoudja Soudani
Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria.
Imene Bouchelkia
Laboratory Materials Recovery and Recycling for Sustainable Development (VRMDD), USTHB, Algeria.
Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria.
Khadidja Krolkra
Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria.
Smail Haddadi
Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria.


In order to optimize the onshore management of marine sediments considered as waste, their reclamation in the field of public works, and in particular in road bases, is undoubtedly an excellent alternative. The present formulation study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the GTR (Guide des terrassements Routiers); the material proposed for this study essentially consists of dredged sand whose grading skeleton has been corrected by adding fines, then treated with hydraulic road binder.  A series of mechanical tests were carried out to assess the material's suitability for treatment. The results revealed a material that perfectly meets the conditions for use in road pavement base courses.

December 9, 2024