Study of the Sedimentary Contribution During Hot-Moments in Upper Tafna: Case of the Upstream Part of the Oued Sebdou Sub-Watershed, North-West Algerian
This work focuses on flood phenomena generating abudant suspension solid transport in the upper part of Tafna (upstream part of the basin of Oued Sebdou). To better understand sediment dynamics in this basin, the study was based on analysing data procured by the ANRH of liquid flow and suspension matters concentration at an instantaneous scale. The most important ans representative floods, of a 30-year period from 1970 to 2000, were chosen to establish hysteresis relationships that allow a floods classification and classifying them in 5 categories, wich allows presenting very different transfert dynamics deponding on floods. The results obtained in this work showed that dominant floods are those of class 2, whose hysteresis is of sinister form (Clockwise direction). Furthermore, class 3 floods wich present dextral form of hysteresis (counterclockwise direction), bring the maximium values of solid and liquid flow : 37% of suspended charges against 29% of liquid flow.

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