Proceedings of International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing
This proceeding contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the international conference, “Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing” (WREC’2021). WREC'21 was organized in online mode by Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab), INDIA during 22 – 24 April 2021. This conference was conceptualized with an objective to encourage and motivate women engineers and scientists to excel in science and technology and to be the role models for young girls to follow in their footsteps. With a view to inspire women engineers, pioneer and successful women achievers in the domains of VLSI design, wireless sensor networks, communication, image/ signal processing, machine learning, and emerging technologies were identified from across the globe and invited to present their work and address the participants in this women oriented conference.
Conference Title: International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing
Conference Acronym: WREC'21
Conference Date: 22–24 April 2021
Conference Location: Online (Virtual Mode)
Conference Organizers: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, INDIA
Efficient Tuning of Hyper-parameters in Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Tuberculosis Images
Improving Brain Tumor Segmentation with Data Augmentation Strategies
Lung Cancer Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
Leaf Disease Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
Study the Effect of Body Postures on Skin Conductance Response and Heart Rate
Classification Comparative Analysis for Detection of Brain Tumor Using Neural Network, Logistic Regression & KNN Classifier with VGG19 Convolution Neural Network Feature Extraction
Comparitive Analysis of Segmentation Methods for Wheat Canopy Extraction
An Optimal Approach to Detect the Human Heads using H-MTF in Crowded Scenes
Automated Segmentation of Leukocytes using Marker-based Watershed Algorithm from Blood Smear Images
A Sub-band Anisotropic Diffusion Technique for de-speckling of Ultrasound Images of Breast Cancer
Real Time Smartphone Data for Prediction of Nomophobia Severity using Supervised Machine Learning
Different Classification Approaches for Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease
Fatigue Detection Post Physical Activity: A Review
Design of Low Power Neuro-amplifier Circuit with Miller Compensation Technique for Biomedical Neuro-implantable Devices
Cardiovascular and Cardiorespiratory Signals Complexity Analysis Using Different Techniques
A Review on various Ultrasound Image Despeckling Techniques
Signature Matching For Seismic Signal Identification
Evolutionary Techniques on Fetal Head Segmentation
A Review of Brain Tumor Image Segmentation of MR Images Using Deep Learning Methods
Computer Aided Tuberculosis Detection, A Review
Variants of Local Binary Pattern: A Review
A Review on Plant Stress Detection and Analysis Through Electrophysiological Signals
An Improved Method to Remove Salt and Pepper Noise in Noisy Images
An Evaluation Based on Diabetic Retinopathy
A Review on Security and Scalability in M2M
Temperature variations within a multi-layered skin tissue exposed to the 5G mobile communications frequency radiation
Food image recognition based on Mobile NetV2 using support vector machine
IoT-based Earthquake Prediction Using Fog and Cloud Computing
Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Study on Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection approaches
A Review on Evolution Trends in Passive Optical Networks
Drowsy Driver Detection using MSER Feature Detection and Binarization on MATLAB
Comparative Analysis of Clipping-filtering, SLM and PTS for PAPR Reduction Technique in OFDM System
MAC Protocols for Wireless Body Sensor Network
Hata Model Path Loss Optimization using Least Mean Square Regression
Development of an Efficient Indoor Optical System using Different Wavelet Transforms
A Brief Review of Energy Efficient Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
HATA Path Loss Model Optimization Using Particle Swarm Algorithm
A Review on Fractal Geometry Enhanced Vehicular Communication under 5G Environment
L-Slots Square Antenna for Octa-band Applications
A Review Analysis on Microstrip Patch Antenna
Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communication: An Overview
Polarization Multiplexed Self-Homodyne Optical Communication System
A Theoretical Framework for the 6G Wireless Communication Standard Vision, Applications and Challenges
Outdoor Radio Propagation Model Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm
A Review of Various Approaches for Beam Steering in Lens Antenna
Fuzzy-Neuro Network in a CO-OFDM system: Various Membership Functions Comparison
Code Summarization: Generating Summary of Code Snippets
Emergence of Digitized Gamification as an Educational Tool and the Implications on Digital Literacy and Equity
Blockchain: Open Source Platforms-A Review
Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing: A Critical Review and Open Research Challenges
Practical Implementation of 3D Smart Walking Stick for Blind People
ASD Diagnoses using Deep Learning and Neuroimaging as A Biomarker: A Review
Time Reversal Reconstruction Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging
Role of Serious Games in enriching Watershed Conservation Manoeuvres
Geospatially Enabled Serious Gaming for Decision Support in Agroforestry System: A Conceptual Study
A Comparitive Study of E-Mail Spam Detection using Various Machine Learning Techniques
An Analysis of Heuristics for a Mathematically Incomplete Variant of TicTacToe
Signal Conditioning ASIC for the Detection of Combustible Gases
A Temperature-Dependent Threshold Voltage Model for SiGe Source/Drain Si–NT JLFET
Simulation of Counter Based DPWM for implementation on FPGA
Organic Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Electronics
Design and Simulation of Silicon Nanowire Tunnel Field Effect Transistor
Comparative Analysis of Multiplications Technique Conventional, Booth, Array Multiplier and Vedic Arithmetic Using VHDL
Design of Constant Transconductance Operational Amplifier By CMOS With High Gain And Low Operational Power
A Literature Survey on Tunnel Field Effect Transistors
Fabrication Process of MBCFET and its Characteristics
Novel Non-planar Structures of TFET Device to Enhance Performance
Dual-Cavity Triple-Metal Gate-Underlap Dielectric-Modulated Charge-Plasma-based TFET for the Biomolecules Recognition
Design and Analysis of a Dual Material Triple Gate TFET with the Pocket Doping for the Performance Enhancement
Design of Reed-Solomon Encoder for Error Detection in DRAM Cells
Design and Performance Analysis of 4-input Multiplexer Tree using FGMOS
Design and Performance Investigation of Symmetrical Dual Gate Doping-less TFET for Biomolecule Recognition
Fuzzy-Logic based Selection and Switching of Channels in Cognitive-Radio Networks
Experimental Analysis of Attacks on RSA & Rabin Cryptosystems using Quantum Shor’s Algorithm
Squaring Technique using Vedic Mathematics

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