Practical Implementation of 3D Smart Walking Stick for Blind People


N Dinesh Kumar
Department of ECE, Vignan Institute of Technology & Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad, India.
A Sushmitha Mala
Department of ECE, Vignan Institute of Technology & Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad, India


The gift of god that is precious is vision through which, one can see the beautiful world and enjoy. But many people throughout the world are deprived of this According to October 2017 report of World Health Organization (WHO) an estimated 253 million people live with vision impairment. 36 million are blind and 217 million have moderate to severe vision impairment. Un-operated cataract is the main reason for blindness in low income and developing countries Even in China by the end of 2017, the population over 60 will reach 241 million, accounting for 17.3 percent of the country's total population and nearly 40 million are disabled and semi disabled, according to data released by the Committee for the elderly in 201 d. So, in this case most of the visually challenged people cannot afford an expensive device to use as their supporter. So, in this paper we have proposed a cost-effective 3D intelligent Walking device. This mainly depends on the sensors because they can improve the world through diagnostics in many applications and it helps to improve performance. This device is implemented using ARM Controller, IR Sensors, Vibration Sensor, as well as GSM and GPS for location Sharing. Also a voice module is introduced along with this to give the directions through audio format. This Entered device is programmed by simple machine Learning algorithms to optimize the machine.

September 22, 2021
Online ISSN