Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41st Annual Seminar: Adapt to Challenges, Create to Thrive
This seminar proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41st Annual Seminar (GDAS2021). GDAS2021 was jointly organized by the Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, & The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society on 18th May 2021.
Seminar Title: The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41st Annual Seminar
Seminar Acronym: GDAS2021
Seminar Date: 18 May 2021
Seminar Location: Online (Virtual Mode)
Seminar Organizers: Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, & The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society.
Link to the GDAS2022 Proceedings: Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42nd Annual Seminar
Engineering Geological Ground Models: Industry Applications for Geotechnical Investigation Planning, Data Acquisition & Appraisal
A Study of Heaving Material Resulted from Deep Cement Mixing Construction
Insights on Debris Flow Growth: Collisions and Contractile Skins
An Innovative Design of Retaining Wall in Lung Shan Tunnel Construction
Modeling Mechanical Reinforcement of Vegetation to Wall Stability: A Case Study of a Short Retaining Wall in Hong Kong
Using Radar Satellite Data for Ground Deformation Monitoring: ATLAS In SAR
Digital Twin for Geotechnical Engineering Applications
Using UAV-based Technology to Enhance Landslide Investigation: A Case Study in Fei Ngo Shan, Kowloon
Application of BIM in Deep Excavation Projects
Use of Slurry and CSM Wall for Excavation and Lateral Support Works
Geotechnical Design and Performance of a Jacked-in-Place Subway in the First Application of the Rectangular Tunnel Boring Machine Technology in Hong Kong
Study of Creep Settlement of Driven H-piles in Loading Tests
Application of landscape Architecture to the Rehabilitation of Quarry in Hong Kong and an Overseas Case Study
The Sustainability of Concrete for Use under Different Loading and Environmental Conditions
A Note on Design of Rock-socketed Embedded Wall
Geotechnical Design from the Inside Out- Development of Automation Design Platform and BIM of MRT Geotechnical Engineering
Design of Protection Measures for Deep Excavation of A New Underground Station Closely Adjacent to Viaduct of MRT System in Operation
A BIM-based Ground Information Management (GIM) Framework to Manage Ground Risk for Construction Projects
Design and Construction of Ground Improvement for TMCLKL Southern Ventilation Building
Open Cut Excavation Observational Method Associated with 3D Analysis for HKBCF PCB
Development of 3D Subsurface Models for Landslide Investigation Using Spatial Interpolation Technique
Reinforced Earth Wall - A Sustainable Alternative to a Piled Vehicular Abutment Ramp
Diaphragm Wall Trench Stability in Recently Reclaimed Land: A Case Study Review
On the Application of Mechanical Reinforcement of Tree Roots to Slope Stabilization
A Comparison of Empirical and Numerical Approaches for Estimating Rock Support Pressure on Permanent Tunnel Lining
Design Optimization of Permanent Systematic Rock Bolts and Shotcrete Lining for Large-Span Caverns in Hard Rock
Intersection-Based Potential Plane Failure Detection on 3D Meshes for Rock Slopes
Application of “Big Data” to Engineering Properties of Hong Kong Soils
Effectiveness of Cross-Walls in Reducing Wall Deflections in Deep Excavations

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