Intersection-Based Potential Plane Failure Detection on 3D Meshes for Rock Slopes


R. Tsui
GeoRisk Solutions Limited, Hong Kong
C. Cheung
GeoRisk Solutions Limited, Hong Kong
J. Hart
GeoRisk Solutions Limited, Hong Kong
W. Hou
GeoRisk Solutions Limited, Hong Kong
A. Ng
GeoRisk Solutions Limited, Hong Kong


Plane failure, a major class of rock block failures, will be considered kinematically feasible on a rock discontinuity if it fulfills certain criteria when plotted and analysed on a stereonet. However, it is often the case that this approach does not consider if a block is present above the discontinuity. With significant advances in digital surveying techniques in recent years, high-resolution 3D meshes can be readily produced for rock slope stability assessments. A semi-automatic, intersection-based approach has been developed by the authors to detect potentially adverse planar discontinuities and their intersections with planar blocks on 3D meshes. The approach involves the detection of the necessary geometrical conditions for a rock block located above a planar discontinuity and in a potentially detachable condition.

April 9, 2022
Online ISSN