Abstracts of the 1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Colloquium on Mines and Society (CIMS) organized by The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke. The theme of this colloquium was "Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa" which aims to bring together teachers, researchers, and Professionals from different backgrounds in order to exchange the results of their research work, share their points of view on the issue of mining and sustainable development. It also aims to define, in a collaborative and inclusive manner, research prospects or future projects between all the actors involved in this field.
Colloquium Title: 1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society
Theme: Mining and Sustainable Development, A Major Challenge for an Emerging Africa
Colloquium Date: 20-22 May 2022
Colloquium Location: A L’Hôtel Rio Nunez de Boke
Colloquium Organizer: The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke
Management of Mining Waste and Sustainable Development on the Gold Panning Site of Tangonie (Burkina Faso)
Cycles of Biogeochemical Elements and Impact of their Disturbance on Human Activity in Mining Areas
The Economic and Environmental Effects of Gold Panning in an Armed Conflict Zone in the Circle of Gao
Use of Geophysics in the Identification of Areas Favorable to the Establishment of Village Hydraulic Boreholes in the Boké Mining Area: Case of the Urban Municipality
Local Content Put to the Test by Recent Changes in Mining Legislation in Africa
Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater from the Bonikro Gold Mine in the Sub-Prefecture of Hiré (Centre-West of Côte d'Ivoire)
Development of an Integrated Model of Spatial and Temporal Occupation Patterns of the Landscape in Mining Areas with a View to Sustainable and Integrated Management of Natural Resources: Case of the Sub-prefecture of Daramagnaki, Prefecture of Télimélé
Impact of Bauxite Mining on Groundwater in the Dabiss Mining Area
Characteristics of Diamonds from Cretaceous Kimberlite Placers (Seguela, Ivory Coast)
Petrographic Characterization of the Tanda - Bondoukou Departments (Gontougo Region, North-East of Côte d’Ivoire)
Gold Panning and Sustainable Management of Renewable Natural Resources in the Circle of Kéniéba in Mali
Mineralogical, Geophysical and Structural Characterization in the Search for Kimberlite Fields in Western Mali
Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Some Bauxites from West Africa
Petrological and Statistical Characterization of the Limbiko Bauxite Deposit (Sangarédi , Republic of Guinea)
Microorganisms at the Service of The Remediation of Mining Sites in Côte d'Ivoire: Kokumbo Gold Panning Site
Contribution of Remote Sensing in the Spatio-Temporal Establishment of Land Cover Maps and NDVI in the Upper Niger River Basin in the Republic of Guinea: Case of Mandiana Prefecture 2013, 2016, 2021
Perception of the Populations of the Urban Commune of Kouroussa on the Effects of Artisanal Gold Mining
The Human Rights of the Traditional Peoples of the Colony of Côte d'Ivoire in the Face of Colonial Mining
Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining on the Populations of Upper Guinea, Administrative Region of Kankan
Environment, Local Economy and Closure of the Morila Gold Mine, Mali
Public Participation in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (Esias) of Mining Projects: Perspectives and Highlights from the Senegal Case Study
The Study of the Different Types of Mineralization in Relation to the Correlation of Copper, Arsenic in the Gold Ore of the Yaléa Deposit in West Mali
Petrostructural and Metallogenic Characterization of the Mineralization of the Woulo-Woulo Gold Prospect (Afema Zone, South-eastern Côte d'Ivoire)
Production of Alumina in The Republic of Guinea: A Challenge for Sustainable Development
Mapping and Petro-Structural Study of Formations in the Northern Sector of Komborodougou, in the Gold-Bearing District of Korhogo: A Substantial Contribution to Mining Exploration in Côte d'Ivoire
Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Upper Guinea (Republic of Guinea).
Promote Responsible Mining Activities to Foster the Sustainable Development of the Extractive Industry in Guinea
The Impacts of Mining Industry Activities: The Case of The Dangote Cement Senegal Cement Plant
Elaboration of Clay/Laterite Nanocomposites for the Treatment of Mining Industry Effluents
Assessment of Health Risks Related to Nutrient Salts and Metallic Trace Elements Contained in the Drinking Water of a Gold Mining Environment: Case of the Cavally River Watershed in Zouan Hounien, Ivory Coast
Mechanism of Evolution of Coastal Sandy Bodies from the Mouth of The Comoé River to Grand Bassam, Lower Ivory Coast, West Africa.
Phosphate in Morocco and Sustainability: Issues and Discourse
Analysis of Industrial Effluents Before their Discharge into the Sea. Case Of the Compagnie Des Bauxites De Guinée
Agriculture and Mining Cohabitation in the Guinean Coastal Zone: Case of the Prefecture of Boffa
Integration of the Traditional Knowledge of Local Communities in the Restoration Process of a Tailings Pond: Case of the Éléonore Mine
Climatic Changes Observed in Boké Prefecture Since 1981: Study of Variations in Temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation and River Flow Rates
Evaluation of the Hydrological Balance and Impacts of Mining on the Variability of Hydroclimatic Parameters in the Mining Area of Siguiri
The Contribution of Geophysical Prospecting for the Detection of Fracture Waters at Silidara (CBG Concession)
The Exploitation of Gold and its Impacts on the Sedimentary Balance of the Upper Niger and the Bani in Mali
Use of Remote Sensing imagery for Analysis of the Spatio Temporal Evolution of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Central Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
Analysis of the Socio-Environmental Aspects of Mining in Light of the Mining Regulations of the Republic of Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
Evaluation of the Red Mud Potential of the Rusal Plant Friguia in the Republic of Guinea for the Extraction of Rare Earths
Artisanal and Semi-Mechanized Mining Sites in Burkina Faso (West Africa): A Neglected Window for Collecting Geoscientific Information
Influence of Mining on Fishing Case of Nènè Port of Kamsar
Contribution of Gold Panning to the Dynamics of Land Occupation in Burkina Faso: Case of the Province of Ioba in the South-West.
Impact of Gold Panning on The Socio-Political Organization of Local Populations in Burkina Faso: Case of Dagara in the Province of Ioba
Contribution of Geostatistics in the Analysis of Hydrogeochemical Data from the Baraka Gold Zone, Siguiri Prefecture, Republic of Guinea
Artisanal Mining and Sustainable Development
Biostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Characterization of Cretaceous Carbonate Deposits in the Ivorian Offshore Sedimentory Basin (Côte d'Ivoire)
Characterization of Groundwater in Bauxite Mining Areas by CBG. Case of the N' Dangara and Boundou Plateaus Wandé Sub-Prefecture of Sangarédi, Prefecture of Boké/Republic of Guinea
Tectonics and Control of Gold Mineralization in the Ferkessedougou Meta-Sedimentary Basin (Northern Côte d'Ivoire)
Conflict Management Related to Artisanal Gold Mining in Upper Guinea from 2008 to 2020
Analysis of the Impacts of Gold Panning on The Riparian Forest of The San Karani River (Tributary of the Upper Niger) in Guinea
Mining and Sustainable Development, A Major Challenge for an Emerging Africa: Case of the Impact of Mining on Women in Africa
Mines Et Maladies Pléthoriques: Cas Du Diabétique De Type 2 Dans La Ville De Conakry (République De Guinée)
Mines and Infectious Diseases: Case of Typhoid Fever in Patients in The Prefectural of Siguiri
Mining in Guinea Between Obstacles and Opportunities for Sustainable and Integrated Development?
Remote Sensing and Sustainable Development in the Mining Sector
Drawdown of Groundwater Level in Open Pit Mine

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