Mines and Infectious Diseases: Case of Typhoid Fever in Patients in The Prefectural of Siguiri
Typhoid fever is a disease caused by enterobacteriaceae of the genus Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium whose starting point is intestinal. The objective of this study esrt to contribute to improving the health care of patients with typhoid fever in the city of Siguiri. This is a prospective cross-sectional and descriptive study lasting 3 months, from June 01 to September 30, 2021. Out of a total of 230 patients received at the laboratory, 152 patients were diagnosed positive for fever. typhoid, i.e. 66% against 34% negative cases; 25% of patients with typhoid fever had low hemoglobin; 75% patients had hypomonocytosis and 18% of patients had hyponeutrophilia. On the other hand, 95% patients had hyperleukocytosis, 47% had hyperlymphocytosis. Of the 38 typhoid fever patients who had low hemoglobin, 58% had mild anemia and 42% had moderate anemia. 100% of patients with typhoid fever and anemia suffered from normocytic anemia and normochromic anemia. Compared to epidemiological variables, married people were the most represented with 71% followed by single people with 27%. Widowers represented only 32%. The female sex with 57% was the most represented. All socio-professional categories are affected by the disease with a high prevalence among Housewives with 32% followed by Workers with 20%, Commercial Agents with 19%, Pupils/Students and Administrative Agents with 9%, and farmers with 8%. Health workers with 3% were the least represented in this series. All age groups are affected by the disease but with a high prevalence in the age group of 21-40 years with 54% followed by that less than or equal to 20 years with 23% and that between 41- 60 years with 20%. The least represented age group in this series is that between 61 and over with 3%. All the districts of Siguiri were affected by typhoid fever with a high prevalence in the districts of Siguiri Koro with 20% followed by those coming outside the prefecture of Siguiri with 15%, the districts Siguiri Koura with 12%, ORS and Bolibana with 10% each. The Bananikoro , Sokoura , Hèrèmakono and Kouroudakoro neighborhoods are the least represented with 5%, 5%, 6% and 8% respectively. Typhoid fever is a major public health problem. To improve the management of patients with this disease, the determination of hematological parameters is necessary.
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