Integration of the Traditional Knowledge of Local Communities in the Restoration Process of a Tailings Pond: Case of the Éléonore Mine


Mohamed Kadiatou Cissé
Institut De Recherche En Mines Et En Environnement, Université Du Québec En Abitibi Témiscamingue (IRME-UQAT), Canada
Marie Guittonny
Institut De Recherche En Mines Et En Environnement, Université Du Québec En Abitibi Témiscamingue (IRME-UQAT), Canada
Bruno Bussiere
Memorial University, Canada
Arn Keeling
Memorial University, Canada


The Éléonore mine is located on Cree territory and the Cree community is involved in the site restoration process. The tailings pond (PAR), located on the territory of the VC-29 tallyman (the tallyman), will be restored with a covering system that will have vegetation on the surface. However, the presence of certain plants with fairly deep roots, which could be prioritized by the tallyman, must be compatible with the technical performance of the covering system in the short and long term. Thus, this research project aims to document the vision of the tallyman and the various stakeholders concerning the revegetation scenario of the Éléonore PAR, through the “ co -design” process set up by the mine. As part of this presentation, the “ co -design” approach is first explained. The stakeholder surveys, which consisted of semi-structured interviews, are then described. Finally, we present the thematic analysis of the results obtained on the following aspects: governance of the integration of the indigenous vision in the process of revegetation of the RAP, visions of the stakeholders on the scenario of revegetation of the RAP, and challenges related to the integration of the Aboriginal vision in the RAP revegetation process. Ultimately, this work will make it possible to document, evaluate and integrate, if possible, the tallyman 's expectations into the revegetation and restoration scenario for the Éléonore PAR.

November 9, 2022