Abstracts of the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023
This book presents extended abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICAECE'2023), held on 15-16 May 2023 by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria. ICAECE'2023 was delivered in-person and virtually and was open for researchers, engineers, academics, and industrial professionals from around the world interested in new trends and advances in current topics of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Conference Title: First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023
Conference Acronym: ICAECE'2023
Conference Date: 15-16 May 2023
Conference Venue: University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria
Conference Organizer: Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria
Linear Quadratic Integral Controller Based MPPT Design for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Performance Study of Sliding Mode Attitude Controllers for Low Earth Orbit CubeSat
AI-based Human Tracking for Remote Rehabilitation Progress Monitoring
Efficient Neural and Fuzzy Models for the Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems
Quadcopter Control Based on Experimental Dynamic Identification
Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control for Linear Fractional System of Commensurate Order with Time Delay using Smith Predictor
Fractional Order Observer-Based Adaptive Synchronization for a Class of Chaotic Systems with Unknown Parameters
Management and Optimization a Stand-alone PV and Battery System Based on Intelligent MPPT
Line Integral Fuzzy Lyapunov Function based Control Design of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Using Mean Value Theorem
Study and Simulation of A Hybrid System Composed of Solar Panels and Fuel Cells
Robust Fractional Order Gain-Scheduled Control Design for LPV Systems using an Adaptive Switching Law
Fuzzy Diagnosis of Faults for DFIG used in a Wind Energy Conversion System
Improved Z-Source Inverter Controller for Enhancement of Grid-Tied PV systems
A Primal Dynamic Neural Network for Solving a Multi-objective Environmental/Economic Dispatch
A New Multi-Objective Driving-Training-Based Optimization Algorithm
Optimal and Robust Control of Active Suspension System for a Quarter Car Model
Reconfigurable Sierpenski Triangle Fractal Antenna Research and Development
Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer and Elitism Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective IoT Service Placement in Fog Computing Environment
Compression Efficiency Evaluation of HEVC/H.265, AV1, and VVC/H.266 Video Codecs
Efficient Design of a 2D EBG Circular Microstrip Antenna for 5G Applications
Inversion of Electrical and Geometrical Parameters of a Structure with a Rough Interface
Compact Dual-Band and Wideband Aperture-Coupled Dielectric Resonator Antenna
Indium Arsenide-Based High-Sensitivity Pressure Sensor with a 2D Photonic Crystal Waveguide Coupled to Two Microcavities
Artificial Neural Networks for Automatic Classification of Induction Machine Faults
Optimized MPPT Control for a Photovoltaic Pumping System
Forecasting Household Energy Consumption using LSTM Model
Fuzzy-Direct Torque Control of The Squirrel-Cage Motor Fed on The PEMFC Fuel Cell System: Design and Simulation
High Performance Improvement of PWM Rectifier using Fuzzy Logic Control
Electromagnetic Torque Ripple Attenuation of WECS using an Improved On–Off Control based on PSO
Dynamic and Steady State Modelling of Voltage-Output PSFB DC-DC LCLC Resonant Converter based on GAM
A Shunt Active Power Filter's Pi and Fuzzy DPC Control Comparison
Investigation of Mutual Coupling Between Two Grounding Electrodes in a Finite Conductivity Medium
Model of Neuron with Three Dendrites and its Application in Chaos Theory
Stacked Gated Recurrent Unit Approach for Wind Speed Forecasting in the Region of Adrar
Modeling, Control and Simulation of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Connected to Networks
Enhancing Electrical Performance of PV Panels using a Single-Axis Polar Solar Tracker in Southern Algeria
Study of Technical-Economic Analysis of a Hybrid System with Battery Storage in the Off-Grid Case and on-Grid using Homer Pro®
Comparative Study Between Intelligent MPPTs for PV System: PSO and ANFIS using Subtractive Clustering Partition
Performance Evaluation of Lithium-ion Battery Second Order Thevenin Equivalent Circuit Model under Various Temperature Levels
Enhanced Direct Torque and Reactive Power Control of a Grid-Connected DFIG Fed by Two-Level Back-To-Back Converter
Robustness Investigation for MRAC Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator in a Wind Energy System Based on Fractional-Order Integrators
Efficient Choice of a Five Level Inverter for Integration of Hybrid Wind-Solar System
Advanced Speed Control of Induction Machine Based on Vector Control
Study on Electric Field Variation of Bubble within Transformer Oil under Various Electrode Geometries Using COMSOL Multiphysics
Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis and Classification
Smart Telecardiology System using IoT Environment and Deep Learning
Error Robustness Assessment of MV-HEVC Encoded Data
Acoustic Characterization of the Noise Sources for the Kabyle Fricatives Consonants
Breast Cancer Classification Based on Transfer Learning using Mammogram
Clustering Remotely Sensed Data with K-Means and Bat Algorithm
Respiratory Signal Estimation of a Stationary Target Based on UWB Radar
Improved Osteoporosis Detection Process using Lightweight Deep Features
Image Compression Based on Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform
Hand Movement Classification using LDA, K-NN, and SVM
Medical Image Classification Based on the Hybrid XGBoost Convolutional Neural Networks
Nighttime Road Traffic Videos Classification based on a Custom Deep Convolutional Neural Network
A Global Precision View for Information Retrieval Evaluation Adapted to Image Retrieval Systems
Comparative Study of Sensorless Vector Control PMSM Drive for Electric Vehicle Application

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