Smart Telecardiology System using IoT Environment and Deep Learning


Department of computer science, University of 8th May 1945, Guelma
Loubna Seddiki
Department of computer science, University of 8th May 1945, Guelma
Ahmed Rami Bouguettoucha
Department of computer science, University of 8th May 1945, Guelma


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IoT environments and deep learning algorithms have been encouraged in healthcare for remote patient monitoring. Telecardiology is one of the delicate sectors that require extra attention to effectively manage the patient’s health status. We propose a practical approach to ensure the telecommunication between the doctor and the patient via a smart system that enables to use of sensors and detect the type of disease by RNN-LSTM deep neural network. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposal.

February 5, 2024