Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43rd Annual Seminar: Towards a Smart-Green-Resilient Geo-Future for World-class City
This seminar proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43rd Annual Seminar (GDAS2023). This seminar
provides a platform for policymakers, practitioners, and academia to share their insights and brainstorm ideas with a view to seizing future opportunities and shaping the new future of Hong Kong. GDAS2023 was organized by the Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers on 19th May 2023.
Seminar Title: The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43rd Annual Seminar
Seminar Acronym: GDAS2023
Seminar Date: 19 May 2023
Seminar Location: Hong Kong
Seminar Organizers: Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Link to the GDAS2021 Proceedings: Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41st Annual Seminar
Link to the GDAS2022 Proceedings: Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42nd Annual Seminar
Mechanical Method for Turning Hong Kong Soils into Construction Materials Including Sand
BIM Application in Geotechnical Works for Master planning and Construction Monitoring
Recent Developments of Drilling Techniques for Construction of Foundation Works
Machine Learning-Based Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Data Interpretation
A Complete Digital Solution to Site Formation, ELS System and Foundations Design
Smart Logging – An Innovative Approach for Generation of Digital Subsurface Data55-62
Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Wall Deflections and Surface Settlements During Deep Excavations
Performance of Buttress Wall in a Deep Excavation in Soft Ground
Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) Method for Reclamation of Tung Chung East Reclamation – Construction Aspects
Unconventional Excavation and Lateral Support System near Seashore in Lamma Power Station Extension
A Recent Case Study of Portal Cavern Design
Digitalization, Modularisation and Sensors Application of a Deep Excavation Project in Urban District of Hong Kong
A Technical Overview of Contract No. 3801 APM and BHS Tunnels on Existing Airport Island: Jacked Box Tunnels under AEL
Machine Learning-Powered Landslide Forecasting: From Initiation to Mobility
Review of Analytical Methods and Recent Advancement in Slope Stability Analyses
Advancement in Geotechnical Practice for Smarter and Greener Projects Delivery
Exploratory Study of using Artificial Intelligence for Landslide Predictions
Model Deep Cement Mixing Specification for Hong Kong
Monitoring of Flexible Barrier for Slope Safety Against Potential Rockfall using IoT Sensors
Effects of Curing Temperature and Stress on the Mechanical Behaviour of Cemented Hong Kong Marine Clay
Integrated use of GNSS and InSAR Techniques for Movement Monitoring under Trunk Road T2 and Cha Kwo Ling Tunnel
Adoption of New and Green Construction Materials in the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme
Integration of BIM and other Innovative Technologies to Enhance the Sustainable Design of Geotechnical Works
Design and Construction for the First Semi-Cavern Building in Hong Kong – A Case Study in Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel
A Strategy to Estimate & Optimise Carbon Footprint for Foundations
Evaluation of the Performance of GGBS Concrete used in Civil and Geotechnical Works

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