Abstracts of Tanzania Health Summit 2020
This book contains the abstracts of the papers/posters presented at the Tanzania Health Summit 2020 (THS-2020) Organized by the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender, and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS) held on 25–26 November 2020. The Tanzania Health Summit is the annual largest healthcare platform in Tanzania that attracts more than 1000 participants, national and international experts, from policymakers, health researchers, public health professionals, health insurers, medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, private health investors, supply chain experts, and the civil society. During the three-day summit, stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in healthcare work together to find solutions to the country’s and regional health challenges and set the agenda for a healthier future.
Summit Title: Tanzania Health Summit
Summit Acronym: THS-2020
Summit Date: 25–26 November 2020
Summit Location: St. Gasper Hotel and Conference Centre in Dodoma, Tanzania
Summit Organizers: Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS).
Use of On-the-job Training (OJT) to Cascade Antenatal Care (ANC) Guidelines to Health Care Workers (HCWs) in Improve Uptake of IPTP in Pregnancy: Case Study for Usaid Boresha Afya- Lake and Western Zone
I Wish to Continue Receiving the Reminder SMS: A Mixed Methods Study on the Acceptability of Digital Adherence Tools Among Adults on Antiretroviral Treatment
Strengthening the Health Supply Chain in Tanzania- MSD And Jazia PVS Joining Forces to Provide Population with Health Commodities
Selected Findings from Pilot Birth Companionship in Kigoma on the Contribution of Continuous Emotional Support Through Birth Companionship in Increasing Facility Delivery and Improving Maternal and Newborn Outcomes
Social Economic Inequalities and Adherence to MNCH Regimens; Can We Do More to Help the Poor
An Effective Approach for Remote Technical Assistance for the Private Healthcare Sector in Tanzania
Healthcare Technology Management (HTM): Transforming Lake Zone Patient Care by Establishing East Africa’s First Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Engineering at Bugando Medical Centre, Mwanza
Risk factors for loss to follow-up among HIV-infected adults attending health care facilities in Tanga region, Tanzania
The role of gender power relations on women’s health outcomes in Tanzania: evidence from a maternal health coverage survey in Simiyu, Tanzania
Repetitive Cancer Awareness Training for Health Care Providers in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
White Matter Integrity in Tanzanian Children with Sickle Cell Anemia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
A Qualitative Study on Awareness, Perceptions, Facilitators and Barriers to Physical Activity Among People Living with HIV in Mwanza, Tanzania
Prevalence, Factors, and Complications of Knee Osteoarthritis Among Adult Patients, Attending Orthopedic Clinic at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Kilimanjaro
Integrated Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Type II Treatment and Care Among People Living with HIV/Aids Attending Care and Treatment Center in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in 2020: A Health Facility Based Project
Empowering Under-Served and First-Time Young Mothers to Establish Informal Networks and Social Supports: Experience from Moivo Health Facility in Arusha District Council
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Post-Partum Depression Among Women in Rural Tanzania: A Mixed Method Study
Implementation Bottlenecks of evriMED for Improving Adherence to Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs Among Tuberculosis Patients in Kilimanjaro
An Interactive E-Health Machine Learning Model to Combat Pandemic Diseases: A Case Study of Tanzania
Integration of Malaria Case-based Surveillance (Coconut) and District Health Information Software (DHIS2) In Zanzibar to Improve Data use in Decision Making
Application of Digital Platform to Enhance Quality Improvement in Momcare Facilities in Manyara
Interactive Voice Response Calling for Increasing Knowledge and Access to Family Planning Methods Among Maasai: Participatory Action Research
Towards A Digitally-Enabled, Community-Based Responsive Health System in Tanzania: A Formative Study for the Afya-Tek Digitised Health Initiative
Effectiveness of a Digital Adherence Tools (DAT) on Adherence to Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment: Preliminary Results of an Implementation Study Among TB Patients in Kilimanjaro
Gender Differentials in Surgical Uptake: A Case Study on TT Outreach Surgery in Pwani and Mtwara Regions, Tanzania
Trachomatous Trichiasis Surgical Refusals in Mtwara, Tanzania
Assessment of Knowledge, Perception, and Practice on Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Adolescents with Disabilities at Ilala, Dar Es Salaam
Acceptability of A Complementing Medical Stores Department in Tanzania with A Prime Vendor - An Assessment of Perceptions Regarding Jazia PVS
Does Accountability Matter in Supply Chain Management? - The Role of Accountability in the Performance of Jazia Prime Vendor System in Tanzania
Cost and Cost Drivers Associated with Setting-up A Prime Vendor System to Complement the National Medicines Supply Chain in Tanzania
Nationalization of Community Health Volunteers into A Single Cadre System in Zanzibar
Accounts of Antimicrobial use Among Pastoralists, Veterinarians, and Drug-Sellers in Northern Tanzania: Implication for the Strengthening of Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness and Stewardship Campaigns
Service Availability and Health Care System Readiness in Integrating Dual Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus Services in Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Status of School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities in Addressing Gender Needs for Menstrual Hygiene Management and its Effect on Schoolgirls
Morphometric Study of the Proximal Dry Femur and its Potential Application in Prosthesis Designing in Tanzania
Intimate Partner Violence and Challenges Facing Women Living with HIV/Aids in Accessing Antiretroviral Treatment at Singida Regional Hospital, Central Tanzania
Patient Attendance at Post-Operative Follow-ups After TT Surgery: A Comparative Analysis of 1-10 Day and 3-6 Month Follow up Visits in Mtwara and Pwani, Tanzania
Trachoma Impact & Surveillance Survey (TIS and TSS) Failures in Tanzania: What Do Recent Investigations Reveal?
Incidence of HIV Infection Among Children Aged Less Than 2 Years Born from HIV Infected Mothers Attending KCMC Hospital in Moshi Urban from January 2014 to December 2015
Improving Malaria Data Quality for Programmatic Decision-Making: Findings from Data Quality Audits in Mainland Tanzania, 2019
Surveillance of the Efficacy and Durability of LLINS Used for Malaria Control in Tanzania
Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Lactating Mothers Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and its Associated Infant Health Outcomes in Southern Highlands Regions-Tanzania: Analytical Cross-Sectional Study
Predictors of Unfavorable Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes Among Mineworkers in Tanzania: A Case-Control Study
Effectiveness of DTG Based Regimens Towards Achieving 3rd 95 in HIV/Aids Services at Agpahi Supported Facilities
Use of Data to Improve Access to Maternal Health Services and Outcomes at Magugu Health Centre
Rapid Health System Adaptation During a Pandemic: A Case from Zanzibar CHV Program
Knowledge and Education Need on Puberty and Menstrual Health Among Adolescents’ Boys and Girls from Selected Secondary Schools From Kibaha Town Council
Integrated Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Type II Treatment and Care Among People Living with HIV/Aids Attending Care and Treatment Center in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in 2020: A Health Facility-Based Project
Strategies Towards Meeting the Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) Elimination Goal in Tanzania
Index and Secondary Cases
Effect of Digital Adherence Tools on Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Predictors of Unfavorable Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes Among Mineworkers in Tanzania: A Case-Control Study
Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (Project ECHO) Improves Care and Treatment for Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis Patients in Tanzania
Prevalence and predictors of HIV infection among exposed under five-year children in Muheza District, north-eastern Tanzania
Improving Access to Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal care Services in Underserved Rural Tanzania
The significant time lag is essential for surgical intervention programs to resume counseling for patients previously refusing TT surgery: Experiences of IMA World Health in Tanzania
Zanzibar Digital Health Strategy 2020/21-2024/25 – Overview and Steps Toward Implementation
Efficacy of Premarital Genotype Screening and Counseling on Knowledge and Attitude Toward Sickle Cell Disease Among University Students in Dodoma Tanzania: Uncontrolled Quasi-Experimental Study
Comparing Post-MDA Coverage Survey Data for Trachoma, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis with Reported Data Among 14 District Councils in Tanzania
Evaluation of Window Screen Traps That Reduce the Mosquito Population in Insecticide Resistance Areas of North-Eastern Tanzania
Assessment of Knowledge, Perception, and Attitude Towards Screening for Breast Cancer Among Women in Tabata Kimanga Ward, Ilala District, Dar-Es-Salaam Region, Tanzania
Resistance Profile of Anopheles Gambiae Species Complex Against Common Pyrethroids from North-Eastern Tanzania
Molecular Characterization of Malaria Vectors in Gonja-Same District: The Impact of Insecticide-treated Net Interventions
Transforming Primary Health with Scalable Digital Referral System
Performance Reporting by Public Health Insurance Schemes (iCHF)
Gender and Health Education: Youths Familiarity on Sexual Transmitted Infections in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania
Access to Essential Maternal Health Commodities Key to Improving Quality and Adherence to Maternal Healthcare Regimes: Experience from a MomCare Project in Northern Tanzania
Factors Associated with Long-lasting Insecticidal Net use in Households with Detected Malaria Cases in Zanzibar, 2012-2019
Knowledge and Practice of Wound Care and Their Influence on Surgical Site Infection Among Post Caesarean Section Women in Dodoma: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study
Bringing about Behavior Change to Reduce Stunting Through Action-Oriented Support Group Negotiations
Acceptability and Satisfaction of Birth Companionship Among Health Providers and Clients in Rural Public Health Facilities in Kigoma, Western Tanzania
Improving Experience of Labour and Delivery Care Through Birth Companionship: Findings from A Qualitative Study on A Pilot Birth Companionship Project in Kigoma, Tanzania
Yes, My Husband Never Settled: Experience of Chagga Wives Living Separately from Their Husbands in Rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Trends and Causes of Socioeconomic Inequalities in Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Tanzania
Innovative Approaches to Assess Preparedness of Health Facilities on Infection Prevention and Control of and Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases
Awareness About HIV Prevention and Control Act Among People Living with HIV in Northwestern Tanzania
The Prevalence of Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes and Associated Risk Factors Among Women at a Tertiary Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Assessing the Reliability of Surveillance Data Collected By District Malaria Surveillance Officers (DMSO) in Unguja, Zanzibar – 2019
Competence Among Fifth-Year Students Completing Surgery Rotation
Promoting Mental Health Among the Youth
Reviving School Health Program in Tanzania
Male Engagement as a Strategy to Improve Household Health, Nutrition, and Parenting Practices in Mara, Tanzania
Prevalence of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Kilindi District, Tanga Region, Tanzania
Accessing the Knowledge, Attitude, and Prevalence of Pre-Eclampsia Among Women of Childbearing Age Admitted in Obstetric Ward at Morogoro Regional Hospital
Pattern of Femoral Fractures Associated with Road Traffic Accident in Patients Admitted at Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute
Towards Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation in Tanzania: Role of Community Leadership and Ownership
HIV/AIDS Fast Track Targets - Efforts to Address the 90% Among Men in Tanzania
Effects of eLearning on Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Retention, and Quality of Healthcare Provision in Tanzania
Assessment of the Knowledge on Preventive Measures of Urinary Schistosomiasis Among Secondary Schools Students in Buchosa District, Mwanza, Tanzania
Mental Health Tanzania App for Service Users and Multidisciplinary Practitioners
Knowledge on Danger Sign in Pregnant Women and Health-Seeking Behaviour Among Pregnant Women at Temeke Referal Hospital
Assessment of Domestic Solid Waste Management In Itezi Ward Mbeya City, Tanzania, September 2019

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