Use of Data to Improve Access to Maternal Health Services and Outcomes at Magugu Health Centre
Introduction: Use of data has enormous potential to impact access to maternal healthcare and the outcomes. Magugu Health Centre started to implement MomCare PharmAccess supported the project from 2019. The project demonstrates the integration of digital technology into proven clinical quality improvements and financing interventions in transforming maternal outcomes. The platform produces quality data that is collected throughout the patient journey. Health facility capitalizes available data in facilitating and transforming access and delivery of maternal health services to pregnant women.
Methodology: The facility management and the RCH team access all data of pregnant women from the project dashboard. The facility accesses daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly data of their patients on visits, services delivered, utilization, and cost incurred. Different trends of maternal journeys are tracked, for instance, the number of pregnant women expecting to deliver as per recorded Expected Delivery Dates (EDDs), expected Antenatal Care, Post Natal Care visits as per allocated appointments.
Results: Availability and access of real-time aggregated data from the platform has great use to the facility to make informed decisions, planning, and resource allocations at RCH and maternity units. The facility tracks the trends of utilization and visit forecasts. From the funds generated, they purchased most of the essential maternal care equipment. Equipment purchased that were absent before commencement; 1 refrigerator, 1suction machine, and 2fetal Doppler machines. The added ones; delivery beds from 2 -6, delivery sets 6-10, cesarean set 4 -6. The RCH was equipped with all essential test kits to ensure services are delivered throughout.
Conclusion: With improved services, the facility has attracted a higher population that utilizes maternal services than before. Maternal indicators are improving as time goes. During January – March 2018

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