Promoting Mental Health Among the Youth
There has never been a better feeling than knowing you are not alone; Let's Talk Health (LTH) seeks to create a community where issues on mental health can be discussed freely. LTH was born to address three major issues, which can be summed up as the 3P's. The person; we aim to allow the person to express him freely or herself in whatever way they seem fit- formally or informally; safe spaces including discussion platforms and a one-on-one platform have been created to allow the person to speak publicly or privately, respectively. LTH desires to link 'the person' with therapists and also assist in subsidizing the cost of mental healthcare. The People; the adverse treatment meted out on 'the person with a mental health disorder develops from the people. Many factors, most especially the spiritual and cultural ones, have played a great role in people's perception of mental health. On this note, LTH intends to break the psychology of superstition and replace ignorance with education via online platforms and small physical talk conferences, including live talks and interactive sessions with experts where mental health and topics on various disorders are thoroughly discussed and dissected. 'The people also have access to our discussion platforms where their beliefs are discussed, and reasons as to why they are harmful are explained. The main goal for 'the people' is to educate them properly and provide them with the skills required to handle 'the person.' The Purpose; creating a safe community, providing adequate education and enlightenment, and providing mental healthcare resources for community members all come together as 'the purpose.' With all these put together, we believe that the stigma associated with mental health disorders shall be broken. Our target audience (the youth) has shown both implicitly and explicitly that they require mental health services, and putting all these into consideration, we are sure that the services we shall provide have the potential to address not only current adequately but also future needs of the society at large. Ultimately, we hope to create a society that is conducive to mental health.

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