Mapping the Impact of Research and Role of the Librarian


Nabi Hasan
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi


Mapping is the study of measuring and analyzing science, technology, innovation, research, and publication output. It is also sometimes identified as scientometrics, bibliometrics, etc. and generally used for different types of quantitative and qualitative analysis based on data obtained from different sources. This article covers the different Bibliographic/Scientometric/Mapping Tools of Research Output. It gives a general overview of Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Vidwan, IRINS, ORCiD, Journal Citation Reports (Impact Factor), SJR, CWTS Journal Indicator, SNIP Indicator, Google Scholar (Publish or Perish), Impact Factor, Immediacy Impact, Relatedness Index, Indian Citation Index and alike tools and services.

October 24, 2018