A Classical Discourse of Research methodology from Philosophical Standpoint: Need to Know to Claim Knowledge
Researches in Architecture in India got its momentum in recent years, which are witnessed in quantity as well as in wide varieties of topics. Such endeavors are much needed to contribute existing body of knowledge, particularly in the field of architecture, where explorations were a few in the past. Fundamentally, ‘to know’, an eternal quest for knowledge in the domain of philosophy, sets the theoretical principles of ‘what to know’ and ‘how to know’ to claim it. ‘Research’, the term originated from the French, means ‘to seek’ or ‘to search’; furthermore, many definitions emerged with a common implication that stands for ‘creative systematic study to increase stock of knowledge’. The paradigms of ‘mythos’ and ‘logos’ in ancient Greek, fountainhead of Philosophy discourses, emphasize on logical process to prove a fact than mythically. Further mythology emerges with combination of both. To understand methodology, the prologue is necessary. Methods are the tools, techniques used in research for collection and analysis of facts.

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