Portrait of an Individual Chicken Slaughterhouse Business in Assuring Halal Products in Society


Dina Lusianti
Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Muria Kudus, Kayuapu Kulon
Rozaq Yasin
Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Muria Kudus, Kayuapu Kulon
Ahmad Munachifdlil 'Ula
Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Muria Kudus, Kayuapu Kulon


The amount of one's consumption can be based on income and level of need and satisfaction. In the last three years, the province of Central Java, Indonesia, has experienced an increase in broiler consumption. Chicken meat is the most popular source of animal protein in Indonesian society food consumption. Food in the form of livestock which in the process must be killed conventionally, only refers to consumer satisfaction through large levels of consumption, not paying attention to the elements of halal and health. This condition indicates a priority on customer satisfaction alone rather than consideration of Maslahah (goodness) aspects.

August 22, 2023