COVID-19 in Context: A Pandemic in Its Historical Context


Christopher Thomas Anglim
University of the District of Columbia


Mindful of history’s value in providing context for contemporary issues, this essay compares selected issues surrounding the effectiveness of government messaging during COVID-19 with previous pandemics and epidemics on selected public policy choices, specifically addressing the role of disinformation, misinformation, and information suppression in contending with disease outbreaks. During the Spanish Flu of 1918, governments worldwide ignored the crisis and suppressed information on the pandemic, because they were concerned that it would interfere with the ongoing war effort. Similar to the impacts of COVID-19, leaders dismissed science in favor of ideology which occurred in the cold war era for several reasons, and with profound impacts. In the case of the Cold War, anti-Communist hysteria led Dr. Albert Sabin to test his anti-polio vaccine in the Soviet Union as opposed to the United States. In exploring various historical parallels to COVID-19, this essay also explores racism, ethnocentrism, and various forms of othering that have historically characterized the response to pandemics, often assigning blame to various “outside” groups. The essay concludes by arguing for science-based solutions to pandemic emergencies (as opposed to ideological-oriented objectives) and argues for a fair, prudent, and judicious balancing of cherished individual rights and individual autonomy, a collective science-based response to public health emergencies, and with the intent to protect the public health of all Americans in a fair, inclusive and equitable manner.

UDC Faculty Senate
June 6, 2023
Online ISSN