Academic Writing: Attitudes and Self-Efficacy
Academic writing is an indispensable requirement at tertiary level. The relationship between writing skills and attitudes towards writing has received much attention from scholars. However, less is known about how EFL learners’ attitudes towards academic writing are correlated with their self-efficacy in this particular skill. Thus, the present study aims at examining this relationship among third-year English major learners at a university in Ho Chi Minh City. A total of 89 learners participated in the study by completing a questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using quantitative methods. Results showed that there was no difference in academic writing self-efficacy among the participants whereas the females felt more positive about their academic writing compared to the males. Notably, a correlation exists between academic writing attitudes and self-efficacy. These findings confirmed the need of raising teachers’ awareness of motivational factors that can increase academic writing attitudes and self-efficacy among EFL learners.

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