Chapter 4: Influence of Social Media on Nursing Students
In this the possible effects of SM on undergraduate nursing students were analysed. Students that participate in SM may expect to learn more and achieve better outcomes, according to the findings of this review. Student involvement and learning were easier and more flexible when SM was incorporated into the learning process for nursing students, and more results have been discussed in the discussion part. The use of a comprehensive ‘systematised' strategy to collect all relevant articles is one of the review's strengths. The use of the PRISMA and ENTREQ standards was another strength. Additionally, the ‘sequential explanatory’ approach was used to synthesise the data and integrate the quantitative, mixed and qualitative data. Nonetheless, there are several limitations in this review that must be addressed. The first limitation was that English was the only language available, which might have caused the researcher to miss important papers. This review is the first of its kind to look at the impact of SM on undergraduate nursing students, helping to provide a scientific foundation for this unique teaching tool. This emphasises the current SM platforms in use, their possible effects, and the modern technology and learning process capabilities. SM platforms promote learning by encouraging them to study, share, communicate, and build confidence. They help students prepare for exams and assignments. The review's results and suggestions may assist shape future nursing research agendas and influence higher and continuing education learning. Future research initiatives may be established based on these findings and recommendations.
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