Tersko-Sunzhensky Oil and Gas Region: Contemporary Problems of Oil Pollution


Ibragim Kerimov
Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 13, M. Esambaev Ave., 364024, Grozny, Russia
Zulfira Gagaeva
Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 13, M. Esambaev Ave., 364024, Grozny, Russia
Umar Gairabekov
Chechen State University, 32, A. Sheripov Str., 364907, Grozny, Russia
Lyubov Makhmudova
Millionshchikov Grozny State Oil Technical University, 100, Kh.Isaev Ave., 364051, Grozny, Russia


Oil continues to be one of the most important resources for the development of the economy of many countries. However, the problems of environmental pollution by oil production and oil refining products remain relevant. The problem of the negative impact of the oil and gas industry on natural components is characterized by various aspects, including air pollution due to fires at production and processing sites, flaring of associated gas, and breakthroughs of gas pipelines; the formation of man-made deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials and associated groundwater pollution.

April 12, 2020