Resource-Saving Technology for the Gathering, Treatment and Injection of Oil-Field Water


Vyacheslav Gusev
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation
Alexandra Kichigina
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation
Emil Kharasov
Samara state technical university, Russia, Samara
Oleg Gorbunov
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation


The oil and gas industry holds a leading position in the economy of the Russian Federation. Intensive activity in hydrocarbon production poses risks of disturbance of ecological balance and is accompanied by emergency situations. The main environmental problems arising in the process of oil production are associated with the occurrence of emergency situations during the operation of infield pipelines. Emergency situations arising at oilfield pipelines cause serious environmental problems as they are associated with the release of a significant amount of pollutants into the environment, air and water pollution and the formation of oil-contaminated soil.

April 12, 2020