Prevention of Man-made Emergencies During Tunnel and Subway Construction and Operation


Mikhail Lebedev
OJSC “NIPII “Lenmetrogiprotrans”, 191002, Bolshaya Moskovskaya str., 2, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Vladimir Maslak
OJSC “NIPII “Lenmetrogiprotrans”, 191002, Bolshaya Moskovskaya str., 2, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Konstantin Bezrodny
OJSC “NIPII “Lenmetrogiprotrans”, 191002, Bolshaya Moskovskaya str., 2, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


The construction of the subsurface facilities, such as the subways, tunnels of various purpose involves the change in the stress state of the containing body, which influences strongly upon “lining - containing body” system, tunneling work safety and operation reliability when combined with the natural hazards, such as the seismic activity, landslide processes, tectonic zones, etc.

April 12, 2020