The Current State of the Problem of Using Landscape Indicators to Assess Soil and Ground Conditions in the Mountainous Regions of the Chechen Republic


Abdul Abumuslimov
Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 13, M. Esambaev Ave., 364024, Grozny, Russia
Musa Taisumov
Chechen State University, 32, A. Sheripov Street, 364907, Grozny, Russia
Fazil Alakhverdiyev
Chechen State University, 32, A. Sheripov Street, 364907, Grozny, Russia
Indira Abumuslimova
Chechen State University, 32, A. Sheripov Street, 364907, Grozny, Russia


The work discusses the issues of indicative landscape science aimed at the practical use of landscape components. It is shown that one of the important forms of landscape indication is the predictive indication of processes based on the results of retro-indication and stage-synchronous indication studies. It was revealed that the elements of the territorial morphological structure of the landscape as indicators are formed under the influence of certain causes of exogenous or endogenous processes.

April 12, 2020