Geological and Geomorphological Conditions for the Formation of Landslide Processes in the Mountainous Part of the Chechen Republic and Measures to Fight Them


Arun Daukaev
Complex Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 21 a, Staropromyslovsky Ave., 364051, Grozny, Russia
Abdul Abumuslimov
Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 13, M. Esambaev Ave., 364024, Grozny, Russia
Rustam Gakaev
Chechen State University, 32, A. Sheripov Str., 364907, Grozny, Russia


The territory of the Chechen Republic is characterized by geomorphological diversity and complex geological structure. The southern part of the territory is represented by mountain landscapes. This part of the territory of the Chechen Republic is known as one of the active landslide zones. The wide scope and active manifestation of landslides here is predetermined by the features of the geological structure and the intensity of modern movements of the earth's crust. Landslides in the mountainous part of the Chechen Republic are one of the processes that often manifest and complicate economic activity.

April 12, 2020