Application of Scenario Assessment in Estimation, Regulation and Management of Risks Induced by Critical Facilities


Nikolay Makhutov
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, 4 Maly Kharitonievsky Lane, Moscow, Russia
Dmitry Reznikov
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, 4 Maly Kharitonievsky Lane, Moscow, Russia


Modern society cannot exist without stable and reliable critical facilities (CFs), such as transportation facilities, nuclear and thermal power stations, hydro engineering facilities, water and gas supply systems, telecommunication and cyber systems, chemical, metallurgical, and oil refinery plants, etc. These facilities are critical in terms of ensuring life support of population and sustainable economic development. The functioning of critical facilities is connected with storing, conversion, and transportation of huge amounts of energy. The unauthorized release of energy at a CF may cause disastrous consequences and trigger cascading failures in the CF and other interrelated facilities and infrastructures.

April 12, 2020