Determinants of Consumer Ethnocentrism and its Impact on Indian Consumers
The purpose of the study is to provide an integrative review of the level of Ethnocentrism present among the college going students in Dehradun. The data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire from Graduate, Postgraduate and PhD students of Dehradun. Consumer Ethnocentric Scale (CETSCALE) was administered to measure the level of Ethnocentrism among students. More than half (54%) of the respondents are female and belong to a younger age group (20-25 years). a great majority (73%) of the respondents are postgraduate, majority of the respondents are from middle income group. A very few (18%) of the respondents belong to the high-income level (Rs 10 lakh and above) and (61%) of the respondents belong to the service class. The findings of the study indicate that the majority of respondents are moderately ethnocentric. They prefer the use /consumption of indigenous products. It was also found that there is no significant relationship between consumer Ethnocentrism and their age and income.

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