Contiki an open source operating system for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Internet of Things (IoT). It is the growing field in the technology and it is the evolution of the internet also known as network of network. Each objects, sensors, actuators and systems are networked and automated to provide new services which were not available before. Light weights, resource constraints, low cost motes are used in WSNs which leads to major challenges in security applications. Data collection are carried by sensors and computing can be done by sensor nodes itself or by external device. This paper focuses on the working of 6LoWPAN network using contiki tool with cooja simulator and various WSNs simulation tools are briefed. Paper also presents why contiki is used, its features and advantages of Cooja simulator. Cooja verify and debug the software and supports low power standards like 6Lowpan, coap, RPL in coniki. This work also focuses on data collection in rime with simulated results.

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