Secure Cloud Using Cryptography
Cloud Computing is one of the mot liked and diverse topic in today’s world. It is a blend of number of different technologies. Decrease in cost, load, is one of the major advantages of this new technology. There has been an exponential growth in the usage of data, thereby, increasing need of data confidentiality. By confidentiality of data we mean protecting of data from unauthorized entities. Encryption is one of the most used methods for the security of data. It is very easy to use, and also different cryptographic algorithms are available to be used for encryption. Cloud Storage provides scalability, cost efficiency, and access of data anytime and anywhere. These all factors lure different organizations to use this cloud storage and use it as their primary storage service provider. It also overcomes the problem of denial of services. In this paper, the plan proposed is to overcome the issues regarding the data privacy using cryptographic algorithms and to elevate the security in cloud as per different organizations. Cloud computing provides a foresight in elasticity, flexibility and on demand storage and computing services for users. In his type of concept, data owner does not have full access over their own data and is controlled by cloud service provider. Our motive is to provide data confidentiality, access control of shared data, removing the burden of key management of users, owner does not have to be always online to access when the user wants to access the data. This paper’s main aim is on cloud storage services and its security, i.e., using cryptographic algorithms for securing data and its computation on cloud platform.

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