A Survey on Evolution of Mobile Communication from 1G to 7G


Kruthik M S
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, VVCE, Mysuru, India
D Khasim Vali
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, VVCE, Mysuru, India


The journey of development in mobile wireless communication is spread over few decades. This advancement in mobile communication consists of few generations and is still going on. Here we have analyzed the various generations of cellular systems from 1st generation to 7TH generation. In this paper, it has been discussed to review various existing generations of mobile wireless technologies, this paper throws a light on the evolution and development of various generation of mobile wireless technology along with their significance and advantages of one another. There are various applications like Paging Service for 1G, Short Message Service (SMS), Multi Media Service (MMS) for 2G, Video calling for 3G, high speed video calling for 4G and for 5G spectrum free and very fast internet service with Wireless World Wide Web.

June 12, 2018
Online ISSN