IOT Based Load Monitoring and Auditing System
With the advent of Internet and computational era, not only opportunity to send and receive data between humans, but also among the devices without human control over it. This is known as Internet of Things (IoTs). The proposed design is to implement a very low cost wireless sensor network and protocol for smart energy and load monitoring which is used to calculate the amount of consumption of power that electrical or electronic device consumes. This paper is useful to obtain meter reading when desired, so meter readers don’t need to visit each customer for the consumed energy data collection and to distribute the bill slips. Microcontroller can be used to monitor and record the meter readings. In case of a customer defaulter, no need to send a person of utility to cut-off the customer connection. Utility can cut off and reconnect the customer connection by short message service (SMS). The system consists of a digital energy meter, ESP8266 WiFi module and web applications for management system.

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