GPS Based Toll Collection System
Transportation has emerged as a dominant part of India. Toll plazas play a crucial role in maintaining the road transportation. At present, manual toll collection is most widely used collection method in India. It significantly requires a toll collector or attendant. Due to manual intervention, the processing time at toll plazas is highest. The project has been designed for the automation in toll tax payment using GPS and GSM Technology. Automation of toll plaza has been experimented using combination of Microcontroller, RFID, Global positioning system, Global system for Mobile. Implementation of automation in toll plaza enhances the monitoring of vehicles that are travelling in predestined routes. This project aims in designing a system, which automatically identifies the vehicle that advance towards the toll plazas and observes the vehicle number and the time of arrival. If matches exist between vehicle data and GPS data, then predetermined amount is automatically taken from the user account. It passes this information to avoid the Traffic congestion at toll plazas and helps in consuming less amount of fuel.

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