A Smart Waste Bin for Waste Disposal
Many times, in our city we see that the garbage bins or dustbins placed at public places are overloaded. It creates unhygienic conditions for people as well as ugliness to that Place leaving bad smell. To avoid all such situations, we are going to implement a project called Intelligent bin for waste segregation management. These dustbins are interfaced with ARDUINO UNO microcontroller-based system having Ultrasonic sensor detects the human presence and showing current status of garbage. Design and build a prototype for an automatic open dustbin that can automatically open the lid when it detects the human, using a manual switch and bluetooth we can also able open the lid. Major part of our project depends upon the working of the GSM module. When trash level increases more than 90% the a message is sent to the concerned authorities that it is filled. The main aim of this project is to reduce human resources and efforts along with the enhancement of a smart city vision.

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