BLE Beacon Based Museum Knowledge Sharing Platform
In this new age where evolution of technology is so rapid, there is a greater need for our environment to become smarter to interact with people who communicate with the world through a technology called "internet of things" which has become quite popular nowadays. Internet of things affords an approach for functioning with intelligent environment for smart people. As witnessed, People nowadays are very much interested in knowing about ancient history and cultural heritage more than ever. Cultural heritage epitomizes the global, worldwide resource of inestimable value and it earns more and more interest and significance when encapsulated with the digital ecosystem of smart environment. To achieve this, we use BLE beacons which are quite in headlines across the world recently. In our paper we solely focus and propose an IoT aware architecture to improve the cultural experience of the user by involving the services offered by BLE beacons. This enables us to design a smart museum as a knowledge sharing platform. Here an immobile cultural space is becoming smart, all credits to the definition of an innovative model of sensors and services.

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