Blind Hurdle Stick: Android Integrated Voice Based Intimation via GPS with Panic Alert System
The acknowledgment of the fact that it is so hard to do things when our eyes are shut urged us to think of an inventive thought.There are roughly 36 million individuals over the world who are visually impaired and more than 12 million are from India.Till date blind people are managing to travel with walking stick and obstacle detecting cane and other devices.As of late there has been a great deal of Electronic Travel Aids (ETA) plans and these devised to help the blind navigate independently and safely.In this paper, smart stick acts like an artificial vision and alarm unit that enables visually impaired people to find difficulties in detecting obstacles. This framework utilizes sensors for hurdle detection, bluetooth alongside an android application which give a voice help to the visually impaired individual. To identify position of the blind person a GPS module with a panic alert system is integrated so that intended person can be notified.This system has an advanced feature integrated to help the blind find their stick if it is misplaced.

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