Prediction of Local Concretes Compressive Strength Using the Maturity Method
This paper aims to study the maturity method to predict the compressive strength of a local concrete. This method is a non-destructive test of the concrete and can be used to know the time to remove concrete formwork. The method depends on time and the concrete temperature factor on the compressive strength of the concrete by using mathematical equations to predict the value of compressive strength. In the study two Portland Cement concrete mixtures were used, of grades C35 and C45, the compressive strength was tested at 6 hours and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 days at different curing temperature 20, 30, 40 and 50 °C. The concrete strength was predicted by the maturity based on the Carino and Hansen equations, also the Datum temperatures for each mixture without which the concrete gained no strength was calculated. The laboratory results were compared with the theoretical results obtained from the equations of Carino and Hansen. The value of predicted compressive strength for concretes was accurate at early ages and highest or accurate in the later ages depending on the factors of the equations used.

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