Investigation Into Accuracy Of LGD2006 for Medium-Elevation Areas
This paper presents a study about the Libyan Geodetic Datum 2006 (LGD2006) where a triangulation network has been established in a medium-elevation area in Libya. The network is consisted of braced quadrilaterals of 45 km lines in direction of meridians and 7 km lines in direction of parallels. The network distances and angles were accurately measured and then the coordinates were computed. In addition, coordinates of the major traverses points were measured using static GPS observation technique for several hours to ensure the maximum accuracy. GPS measurements were conducted using the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Inverse geodetic methods were used to compare the achieved results with those of the Libyan ordinance survey. The results show that the best fit datum for medium-elevation areas (300-500m) in Libya is LGD2006 whereas WGS84 is best for low-elevation areas.

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