Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multistory RC Building with Various Heights in High Seismic Zone
The earthquake ranks as one of the most destructive natural disasters recorded all over the world. It has taken millions of lives and caused vast damages to infrastructures through the ages. Since the earthquake forces are random in nature and unpredictable, the engineering tools are needed to be sharpened for analyzing structures under the action of these forces. This paper deals with the comparison of static and dynamic analysis of four RC multistory building models with different height in high seismic zone. The considered structure is modeled as 5, 10, 15 & 20 story structure and analyzed by commercial software Autodesk ROBOT Structural Analysis 2018. Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) Procedure is used for static analysis and Response Spectrum (RS) Procedure is used for dynamic analysis. All the analyses are conducted according to ASCE7 -10. Then results are compared based on different parameters such as: Displacement, Story Drift, Base Shear, Story Shear and Story Moment. Finally, a comparative study has been carried out between static and dynamic analysis. It was found that ELF procedure provides higher displacement, story drift and base shear compared to RS procedure. Based on the findings of the study it is recommended to use dynamic analysis (RS) instead of static analysis (ELF) specially in high rise building.

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