Analysis of the Failure of Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
This study investigates the failure of cylindrical pressure vessels and examines their integrity in the presence of cracks using von-Mises (Distortion Energy) yielding criterion and fracture mechanics methodology. The design Code of ASME-VIII section-2 was used to determine safe thickness and maximum allowable working pressure. The fracture stress, the critical stress intensity factor, the critical crack length and maximum pressure were determined. The results showed that yielding criterion with factor of safety of "2" for materials proposed in this study are applicable to design and construct pressure vessels under considered internal pressure and vessel size. The study revealed that cracked pressure vessels can be fit for service under some conditions of crack size and internal pressure. It can be concluded that pressure vessels that are safe under yielding theories could be safe as well where the crack exists under restricted conditions of the applied internal pressure, shell thickness, and material property.

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