Nanotechnology: Concepts, Importance and the Current State of Scientific Research
In nowadays, research in nanoscale science has been greatly developing and obtaining more interests. Numerous research activities in the last two decades focus on exploring nanoscience, understanding the fundamentals, and developing technical solutions. Materials in nanoscale showed remarkable and superb properties that are completely different from those when the material in the bulk condition. This makes nanotechnology to hold a great promise in effecting profound scientific, medical, energy, economic and even cultural change on society. Almost all countries are placed long and short term strategic plans as to obtain more experience and carefully examine the potential implications of nanotechnology and its strategic benefits. Consequently, research indicators on this technology indicate that some developing countries compete with the world's largest countries in the control of this technology. This paper, however, provides an introduction to the nanotechnology, and also discovers the current status of the research on this particular field globally and in the Arabic region. The real status of the scientific research on the nanotechnology in Libya correspondingly is realised. Steps required by the Libyan authorities and research principles to fill in the gape in this area are also expressed.

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