Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Response of Multi-Story Buildings Under Seismic Loading
A study of earthquakes in the world is performed, and also a study of methods of dynamic analysis suitable for use with linear and nonlinear systems is made with a stress on the nonlinear response of buildings due to moderate or high seismic loading. The response of a building to a seismic load severe enough may induce inelastic deformations and the building behavior is expected to be nonlinear. Consequently, it is necessary to develop a method of analysis suitable for use with nonlinear systems. A step-by-step method is well suited to the analysis of nonlinear systems rather than using the method of superposition. The total structural response is due to each response contribution within the step. The Wilson-θ method is the step- by- step unconditionally stable method which is used for this aspect of nonlinear dynamic analysis and it is introduced in the present work.

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